Saimdang, Light's Diary |
The drama series is directed by Yoon Sang-Ho and Park Eun Ryung for the scenario. This drama series has appeared since the beginning of last month on January 26, 2017 (first episode) and ends on May 4, 2017 (the last episode). I just watched this drama series a few days ago, I think the story is interesting because there is a flashback and the movement between past and present is very well arranged and not monotonous. It just until episode 6 only, the story is still mysterious and curious. The cast members in this drama series are also my favorites, which one is Lee-Young ae who used to be the star of Jewel in The Palace. This drama series is rather boring, probably because it's a historical theme. But for me, I like the history stories so it does not matter for me. Now, I want to continue seeing this drama series. It's a long time not to seeing drama series of South Korean because I don't have such a time. So, what do you think about this drama series? Is it good or boring? All of you think is depend on you. Below this following, I will give you a screenshot of this drama series.
One of the scenes in Saimdang The Light's diary |
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