Freelancer,... Do you a freelancer ?? Okay, we are same. :) *toss ..
Being a freelancer is not easy. In era digital like now, everthing is easy. You have a laptop or PC or notebook and also there's a WiFi searching on Google and type freelancer... the result are shown and many websites that hire freelancer in all words. Many jobs can we find there from design graphic, make an application until writer and translator.
Honestly, after graduated from high school i ever to tried jobs in reality. Many resumes I have sent but no one has hire me. First it was make me sad and frustation but I don't give up to searching other ways to How make money just in a home ? Because i must take care my little nephew everyday.
So, with my all courage I joined be writer freelancer in Sribulancer. After I applied several jobs, one of them hired me as an English article writer and I'm so blessed. Basically when i hired and must write an English article is make me shocked. But, I have to calm my self and said "Come on let's do this, I can do this." I also did this to make my spirits keep in my soul and I don't forget to tell my mother to support me also.
*Notes :
If you have a hobby or something that you are like it in keep it on, don't give up. There was many ways, keep prayer to God and tell your parents to support you and keep your spirits always on. Always pray and pray to God, because He always besides, hearing and help us. Trust Him, and there're the ways to succsess.
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