Review Black Korean Drama Series

resource from IMDB

The previous post, I reviewed the Saimdang: Light's Diary. Now, I will through the one thriller drama that famous in the last year. This Black drama series tells the story of the Grim Reaper an angel of death who entered into the body of an ordinary man for falling in love with ordinary people. He lives as a human being and has a son named Kang Ha-Ram. Kang Ha-Ram is a child with special needs, he can see the shadow of death on the people who will die.

Another life-threatening angel, named 444, also took possession of a detective named Moo Gang Shi (sorry if the mention of the name is wrong). Initially, the angel 444 descended into the human world only to pursue an amateur lifting angel. He died of suicide from the bridge. This fuzzy angel is very troublesome and the other angels. Until finally 444 penetrated detective Moo Gang Shi.

This is where the exciting story begins, the angel 444 or Black will reveal the secrets behind Kim Joon's death and he also helps Kang-Ha-Ram to save some people from a hopeless death.

Detective Moo Gang Shi who originally vomited to see the corpse at the scene of the case and did not like the innards food (liver, intestine, skin, etc.) he changed drastically into a professional detective and liked the intestinal sup and other innards food.

Not only his skill in exposing evil, in the middle of the episode turns angels 444 begin to feel things that only humans feel. Feelings of falling in love, affection, caring, and others. Honestly, this Black story in every episode will tell things that may be beyond expectations.

Until at the end of the episode, there was one case that Black must solve. The case is the most important case. It reveals itself, guys. The end of this drama series was nice and romantic. Angel 444 willing to get the punishment from God in order to maintain and realize the life of Kang Ha Ram always happy until the time of her old.

resource kstarnews

Details About Black (Korean Drama Series):

Title: Black (OCN)
Another title: 싱글 와이프 / sing-geul waipeu
Genre: Romance, Thriller
Episodes: 18 (eighteen)
Director: Kim Hong-Sun
Scriptwriter: Choi Ran
Channel Station: OCN
Posted on: October 14, 2017, every Saturday and Sunday at 22:00

Review Saimdang, Light's Diary

 Saimdang, Light's Diary 

The drama series is directed by Yoon Sang-Ho and Park Eun Ryung for the scenario. This drama series has appeared since the beginning of last month on January 26, 2017 (first episode) and ends on May 4, 2017 (the last episode). I just watched this drama series a few days ago, I think the story is interesting because there is a flashback and the movement between past and present is very well arranged and not monotonous. It just until episode 6 only, the story is still mysterious and curious. The cast members in this drama series are also my favorites, which one is Lee-Young ae who used to be the star of Jewel in The Palace. This drama series is rather boring, probably because it's a historical theme. But for me,  I like the history stories so it does not matter for me. Now, I want to continue seeing this drama series. It's a long time not to seeing drama series of South Korean because I don't have such a time. So, what do you think about this drama series? Is it good or boring? All of you think is depend on you. Below this following, I will give you a screenshot of this drama series.

One of the scenes in Saimdang The Light's diary
Source image :

Good Recipes for Dinner


While afternoon ends and it becomes night, all works ends up and starving comes. What should we do? Correct, dinner. But this time, I want to share with you about good recipes for dinner. What are good recipes for dinner? Are you confused? Don’t worry I will give you some tips, How to make good recipes for dinner.  

Easy Dinner Recipes for Beginners

Collards Meat Saute with Garlic

Alright, ever you make dinner? It’s nope, you have to try these easy dinner recipes for the beginner. Afraid, to make mistake? Don’t ever too afraid, sist. I will give you really easy dinner recipes for beginners, like you. So, What are we make for dinner tonight? This time for the vegetable we will make “Mustard Greens Saute with Garlic”. Okay, here we go.

The Ingredients :
-          Collards Meat or Green Mustard # 2 bundles
-          Garlic # 3 pcs
-          Egg # 1 pcs
-          Chili # 7 pcs (optional)
-          Green onions (optional)
-          Ginger # 3 pcs
-          Salt # 2 Tsp
-          Sugar # 1 by:
-          Oyster Sauce # tabblespoon
-          Water # 200 ml
-          Cooking Oil #50 ml
Yo must do :
1.       Prepare a wok with less oil, then saute that: chopped garlic, chili, ginger and then add the egg.
2.       Makes scramble egg, then adds all the spices. Don’t forget to add the water.
3.       Then, adds the mustard greens and cover it. (Heat must high)
4.        Don’t wait for it too long after 3 minutes, you may add the green onions.
5.       Please, off the heat and then serve it in a bowl like these below pictures. 

Dinner Ideas with Chicken

fried chicken
Fried Chicken with Garlic Turmeric

Okay, for the vegetables is ready! Then what’s next... Oh, yeah I will give you dinner ideas with chicken. Actually, these recipe is fried traditional chicken in Indonesia. It’s not like others fried chicken which it covers with flour and eggs. This absolutely delicious recipe in here. So, the named of this chicken recipe is “Fried Chicken with Garlic and Turmeric”. And what should you need, here they are?
The Ingredients :

-          Chicken (You can use the wings, breast or thigh cut it into several parts) # 250gr
-          Turmeric # 3cm
-          Coriander or coriander powder #1 Tbls
-          Salt # 2 Tsp
-          Candlenut # 3 pcs
-          Garlic # 3 pcs
-          Water # 100 ml
-          Cooking oil # 300 ml

Yo must do :

1.       Prepare food processor or you can grind it manually; grind these ingredients; turmeric coriander, candlenut, salt and adds some water. 
2.       For the chicken, please clean it first. Then for the paste of turmeric, please add into a wok with medium heat.
3.       If the smell is good you can add the chickens and then cover it, please turning low the heat and wait for it until 30 minutes.
4.       After 30 minutes, off the heat and then cooling down the chicken.
5.       Prepare a wok with cooking oils and also with high heat, then you can fry it.
6.       Fry it until golden brown and serve it well with the vegetable that we make it before.
Like this below pictures.

*)Definitely to cooked rice before, because this is Indonesia cuisine J
Serve it well, with rice also vegetables and chicken that we make before. Truth, it’s work and this is also good recipes for dinner. These all of the recipes are for two persons.

**Photo by Mesdya – Windows Phone

My first Poem

This poem is dedicated to my boyfriend, I don't know where is he now. I don't know what I supposed to do. Are we still in relation or not. Oh, dear, this is for you wherever you are. It's alright if you won't come back, I just need an explanation from you. We are ends or not... 

     source image

It's already drizzling
Flushed in the afternoon
I stand alone here
Waiting for the prince of my heart
But what happened
You did not even go me 
who has been waiting for you here
Oh dear...
Actually wherever you go
Do you have a sweetheart?
How can you leave me alone here
Really I do not understand
Why are you doing this?
Why do you bear on me
What's my fault
Am I not worthy of you
What's lacking with me,
Oh dear.
I've done my best
For you and for us
And you just left me
Oh, the rain ...
Let this heart cry alone.
I'm just asking.
In order for you to erase all this sorrow.
Eliminate these bitter memories.
Eliminate my memories with him.
Eliminate all about him.
Eliminate all love
Between me and him
Until not stood.
Until no traces.
In my memory as well as his memory.
Honey, you know?
I really want to forget you now.
Really I want to disappear from your life and Her
Now is the right time
For me to go far
Go away.
With hurt
What am I bringing?
I'll let you be happy
With her...
She's the one you choose
She's what you like
She's the one you love
Honey, you know
Really I can only pray
In a heart full of wounds
So you're fine
So you're you always look after Her
For ME
it's sake ME 
that you left behind.
Delight Her
Just like you that ever made me happy...

 "Rain" poems by Mesdya

October - Legend Restaurant - Malang IDN

Gambar terkait

When the October comes, here in Indonesia begin to entering the rainy season. Last of  a weeks, rain was began, until yesterday. Rain mostly come after noon until night. The temperature was cold here, because my place was near mountain. Yeah, i lived on Malang, East Java.  Malang is the small city but there're many


people comes here. Because the weather is cold, many delicious food in everywhere and the people here are humble. hehehe...Most foreigns are coming here, theye're from Netherland. Yeah, because we know that Netherlands entering to Indonesia (history). Such of buildings here in Malang are classic and some of roads here are written by Netherland's languange. We can found it while walking around Ijen street. There is  old restaurant with Netherland's style, named is  "Oen Restaurant". This restaurant was open since 1930. WOw.. is so old...

                           Ice Cream Toko Oen


The special menu in this restaurant is ice cream..
Basic ice cream (single scoop) with various flavours like vanilla, stroberry and also chocolate

(This ice cream most favorite)

Others favorite old  ice cream name there're Tutti Frutti, Peach Melba, Banana Split (i ever tasted it *very yummy), domino and sonny boy. 

There're sundays ice cream too..

And you must try it..

Like Tropicana Cream, Midwest Sunday, Calypso Fantasy, Oen Special and Chocolate Parfait.

Or you must try the milk shakes with various flavours; vanilla, mocca and stroberry.
For the prices are cheap it's around Rp 15.000 - Rp 40.000,-   

Besides, the ice cream..

There is a maincourse that famous in this restaurant.

Steak Lidah Toko Oen


Yeah.. The oxtounge steak.. 
It's delicious and the price is Rp 60.000,- (I ever once tried it)

I like this restaurant because it's legend, and the place is classic. That's way the foreigns are like to visit here. Not only just foreigns from Netherland, some local here are like to visit this restaurant.


Related image

Freelancer,... Do you a freelancer ?? Okay, we are same. :) *toss ..

Being a freelancer is not easy. In era digital like now,  everthing is easy. You have a laptop or PC or notebook and also there's a WiFi searching on Google and type freelancer... the result are shown and many websites that hire freelancer in all words. Many jobs can we find there from design graphic, make an application until writer and translator. 

Honestly, after graduated from high school i ever to tried jobs in reality. Many resumes I have sent but no one has hire me. First it was make me sad and frustation but I don't give up to searching other ways to How make money just in a home ? Because i must take care my little nephew everyday. 

So, with my all courage I joined be writer freelancer in Sribulancer. After I applied several jobs, one of them hired me as an English article writer and I'm so blessed. Basically when i hired and must write an English article is make me shocked. But, I have to calm my self and said "Come on let's do this, I can do this." I also did this to make my spirits keep in my soul and I don't forget to tell my mother to support me also.

*Notes :
If you have a hobby or something that you are like it in keep it on, don't give up. There was many ways, keep prayer to God and tell your parents to support you and keep your spirits always on. Always pray and pray to God, because He always besides, hearing and help us. Trust Him, and there're the ways to succsess. 

Tips : How to treat your dry and sensitive skin (combination)

Welcome to my blog !!
Here now I want to share tips how to treat your dry and sensitive skin. Are u have dry skin or sensitive skin ? These are types skin also mine. It always makes dull face, not fresh, not moist and not bright. I also beware to choose products. I prefer to choose local brands because its natural and less of chemicales. Below here some products that I used for my dry and sensitive skin.

  • Facial Wash

    First, for facial wash I prefer to used Mild JF Sulfur. Why sulfur ? because it could removes acnes in 3 days. Besides, the formula is made such way to treat facial skin without being too aggressive. This soaps can make your skin healthy, bright and moist. This facial wash is gel wash with orange scrub. Used this facial wash with the acne gel to removes your acne. It's truth I ever try it, and it works just 3 days my skin more healthy and no more acnes until now.

    *)Little story; When i try a beuty product, I'm sensitive on it and more 3 years i have acnes and it makes me not confident. At least i try this product and the result is until now. 
  • Facial Toner

    After washing my face, if my face stiil dry I used  greean tea facial toner by Viva. Viva is local product in Indonesia. Viva products are friendly for dry and sensitive skin like mine.
  • Skin Food

    Skin food is the other product of Viva, it helps your dry face and also moist while apply in your face. If you apply this everyday no more skin dry and your skin moist everyday.
  • Facial Peeling

    Peeling is needed for every types of skin also the sensitives and dry skin. Please choose products and it save for dry also sensitives skin. I prefer to choose Mustika Ratu Mundisari Peeling.
  • Facial Mask

    All mask i ever tried like avocado mask, rice mask, bengkoang mask, papaya mask these're mask are suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Many types of mask i ever tried to strat from powder, gel until pell of mask. Here i want to show pell of mask gel from Mustika Ratu, these mask is very cold while I apply in my face. There're many variant but i choose grean tea, my favorite. :)

    Those're product is my beauty product and that were suitable for my dry and sensitive skin. For the price is not too expensive. Brand of local product is good enough and we must proud as Indonesia to use these product. Don't ever give up to make our skin beauty and healthy. In digital era now, many ways to get beauty. And it is up to ourself pocket :D

    Thank you.

Review Black Korean Drama Series

resource from IMDB The previous post, I reviewed the Saimdang: Light's Diary . Now, I will through the one thriller drama tha...