October - Legend Restaurant - Malang IDN

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When the October comes, here in Indonesia begin to entering the rainy season. Last of  a weeks, rain was began, until yesterday. Rain mostly come after noon until night. The temperature was cold here, because my place was near mountain. Yeah, i lived on Malang, East Java.  Malang is the small city but there're many

                           sumber: perutgendut.com

people comes here. Because the weather is cold, many delicious food in everywhere and the people here are humble. hehehe...Most foreigns are coming here, theye're from Netherland. Yeah, because we know that Netherlands entering to Indonesia (history). Such of buildings here in Malang are classic and some of roads here are written by Netherland's languange. We can found it while walking around Ijen street. There is  old restaurant with Netherland's style, named is  "Oen Restaurant". This restaurant was open since 1930. WOw.. is so old...

                           Ice Cream Toko Oen

                                                                 sumber: surabaya.panduanwisata.id

The special menu in this restaurant is ice cream..
Basic ice cream (single scoop) with various flavours like vanilla, stroberry and also chocolate

(This ice cream most favorite)

Others favorite old  ice cream name there're Tutti Frutti, Peach Melba, Banana Split (i ever tasted it *very yummy), domino and sonny boy. 

There're sundays ice cream too..

And you must try it..

Like Tropicana Cream, Midwest Sunday, Calypso Fantasy, Oen Special and Chocolate Parfait.

Or you must try the milk shakes with various flavours; vanilla, mocca and stroberry.
For the prices are cheap it's around Rp 15.000 - Rp 40.000,-   

Besides, the ice cream..

There is a maincourse that famous in this restaurant.

Steak Lidah Toko Oen

                                                                         sumber: halomalang.com

Yeah.. The oxtounge steak.. 
It's delicious and the price is Rp 60.000,- (I ever once tried it)

I like this restaurant because it's legend, and the place is classic. That's way the foreigns are like to visit here. Not only just foreigns from Netherland, some local here are like to visit this restaurant.


Related image

Freelancer,... Do you a freelancer ?? Okay, we are same. :) *toss ..

Being a freelancer is not easy. In era digital like now,  everthing is easy. You have a laptop or PC or notebook and also there's a WiFi searching on Google and type freelancer... the result are shown and many websites that hire freelancer in all words. Many jobs can we find there from design graphic, make an application until writer and translator. 

Honestly, after graduated from high school i ever to tried jobs in reality. Many resumes I have sent but no one has hire me. First it was make me sad and frustation but I don't give up to searching other ways to How make money just in a home ? Because i must take care my little nephew everyday. 

So, with my all courage I joined be writer freelancer in Sribulancer. After I applied several jobs, one of them hired me as an English article writer and I'm so blessed. Basically when i hired and must write an English article is make me shocked. But, I have to calm my self and said "Come on let's do this, I can do this." I also did this to make my spirits keep in my soul and I don't forget to tell my mother to support me also.

*Notes :
If you have a hobby or something that you are like it in keep it on, don't give up. There was many ways, keep prayer to God and tell your parents to support you and keep your spirits always on. Always pray and pray to God, because He always besides, hearing and help us. Trust Him, and there're the ways to succsess. 

Tips : How to treat your dry and sensitive skin (combination)

Welcome to my blog !!
Here now I want to share tips how to treat your dry and sensitive skin. Are u have dry skin or sensitive skin ? These are types skin also mine. It always makes dull face, not fresh, not moist and not bright. I also beware to choose products. I prefer to choose local brands because its natural and less of chemicales. Below here some products that I used for my dry and sensitive skin.

  • Facial Wash

    First, for facial wash I prefer to used Mild JF Sulfur. Why sulfur ? because it could removes acnes in 3 days. Besides, the formula is made such way to treat facial skin without being too aggressive. This soaps can make your skin healthy, bright and moist. This facial wash is gel wash with orange scrub. Used this facial wash with the acne gel to removes your acne. It's truth I ever try it, and it works just 3 days my skin more healthy and no more acnes until now.

    *)Little story; When i try a beuty product, I'm sensitive on it and more 3 years i have acnes and it makes me not confident. At least i try this product and the result is until now. 
  • Facial Toner

    After washing my face, if my face stiil dry I used  greean tea facial toner by Viva. Viva is local product in Indonesia. Viva products are friendly for dry and sensitive skin like mine.
  • Skin Food

    Skin food is the other product of Viva, it helps your dry face and also moist while apply in your face. If you apply this everyday no more skin dry and your skin moist everyday.
  • Facial Peeling

    Peeling is needed for every types of skin also the sensitives and dry skin. Please choose products and it save for dry also sensitives skin. I prefer to choose Mustika Ratu Mundisari Peeling.
  • Facial Mask

    All mask i ever tried like avocado mask, rice mask, bengkoang mask, papaya mask these're mask are suitable for dry and sensitive skin. Many types of mask i ever tried to strat from powder, gel until pell of mask. Here i want to show pell of mask gel from Mustika Ratu, these mask is very cold while I apply in my face. There're many variant but i choose grean tea, my favorite. :)

    Those're product is my beauty product and that were suitable for my dry and sensitive skin. For the price is not too expensive. Brand of local product is good enough and we must proud as Indonesia to use these product. Don't ever give up to make our skin beauty and healthy. In digital era now, many ways to get beauty. And it is up to ourself pocket :D

    Thank you.
Source: https://beautynbridal.com/blog/facial-at-home-steps/

Hair loss ? These Tips Will help you

Every women dreamed healthy hair, strong and shiny. But there're problems found such as hair loose, dry hair and many more. Therefore if we did colouring and did styling everyday can make our hair not healthy. So, what should we do ? Let's try other nature treatment with date fruit/palm fruit .Usually it found while Ramadhan comes. It served while breaking fast also sahur.Date fruit has alots of vitamins and could helps our problems like hair loose.

Do :
1. Prepare 3-5 pieces, take out the seeds
2. Cut it into several, add 50ml water then blend it into blender or food processor. (Like make a juice)
3. Pour it into a small bowl then apply it to your hair (like apply hair tonic)
4. Wait until 15-25 minutes then rinse it.
5. Do the treatment continuously until no more hair loose.

Dreamed health hair, try this tips and your hair will be shiny, strong and smooth like silk.

Indonesian's Hot Entree Vegetable's Fritters (Bakwan)

Good night all..
This evening, i want to share one of the recipe from Indonesia. And this food also the hot entree or we can call it hot appetizer. And this hot entry also i made at home. Okay, Let's go what the ingridients and what to do :

The Ingridients :
25 grams carrot (slice like matches)
25 grams cabbage(slice)
10 grams leek (slice)
3 pcs chilli (slice)
2 pcs shallot (chooped)
100-150gr spices flour
100 ml water (considerable)
1 pcs eggs 
100 ml cooking oils

Do :
  1. In a plastic bowl, add spices flour, egg and water then stir it.
  2. Add chooped shallot, slice carrot, cabbage leek and chilli (if you dont like chilli its okay).
  3. Stir it until mixed well. In this recipe don't need to add salt because the flour contain spices.
  4. Heat the wok and add cooking oil. (medium heat)
  5. Then, by spoon fried it until its golden brown.
  6.  Strain it and served with ketchup or hot sauce
Source image : http://www.resepsedapku.com/membuat-bakwan-sayur-sedap-dan-gurih/


Yeah this's one of my hobby, cooking is fun hobby. I can make all things that ingridients  into a food and thats surely delicious. I will perform 2 recipes with the same ingridients. The ingridients is cassava. Okay number one i'll give you receipe about Garlic Cassava Fried. Let's check it out

The ingridients :

250 grams cassava (steamed the cassava first)
3 pcs garlic chooped
2 teaspoon salt
3 tblspoon water
125 ml cooking

Do :

  1. In a plastic bowl add the garlic and  salt also mixed with the water.
  2. Add the steamed cassava.
  3.  Shake it and rest less 1-2 hours.
  4. Prepare a wok and add the cooking oil, medium heat, fried the cassava.
  5. Strain the golden fried cassava.
  6. Serve  with hot sauce if u like it.
Cassava with Coconut Milk

The Ingridients :
500 ml coconut milk (heat it first)
1000 ml water
300 grams cassava (steamed the cassava first)
200 grams banana
3 tblspoon Sugar (considerable)
2  teaspoon salt
1 pcs pandan leave

Do :
  1. Heat a pan add the coconut milk (medium heat)
  2. Add the steamed cassava, sugar and salt
  3. Add bananas
  4. Wait until 10 minutes
  5. Add the waters, pandan leave and stirs
  6. Wait until bubbling and taste it.
  7. Serve into small bowl.
That's the traditional recipe i perform you today, next time i will perform other modern recipe of cassava. Let's cooking...

source image : resep media.com, http://spiritriau.com


I think most of you are that know it. That's schholing me created by Budi Waluyo and he created this online school is for learned English. From basic until preparation of TOFL and all is free. We just go to the link and then read the instruction. Keep reading and follow the steps. You could choose your course and while you already choose the course the scedhule is on it. Here i performs the screenshot for you :

  1.  After you go to the site https://schoolingme.com/ you can register first, to get  easier you can register with your google mail or by facebook. 
  2.  Click all course to get all the courses.
  3. Choose one or two and take the courses.
  4. Please read the steps while you be a student in schooling me.
  5. Must do as the the schedule don't missed it.

    This school helps the students to increase them English in free. Altough help the persons who doesn't have time to going to course . Let's joined schooling me, schooling me already in our devices like in Android. So, what's waitting for. Let's break the limits. 


source SlideShare
Hi I'm Ayu Mesdya 25th years old already graduated from college STMIK Asia. Now, I'm starting to blogging again because i never maintain my blog well (before). Also i have tumblr too and i hink it's easy to operate than blogger (LOL). But i like most blogger because it simple and free ofcourse.

After graduatio that i did be freelancer at admin in a company, it's temporarely because its depend on the project. If the project o on i work but if not i'm quit and i search other jobs like being Copy Writer in freelenacer website such as Sribulancer and projects.co.id.

I'm thankful now i've been hired in those projects to fill in my emptynesse activity. I want to hire in a real company but i must take care my nephew at home. Their parents work and I can't go anywhere except Saturday and Sunday. But if they're work late (lembur) i must take care of them.

Tired, yes but I will survive and this is the reality and I'm sure there's another way to make money inside house. Keeps this sprits alive is not easy too. But i did it easy, keep cheering my self also prays to Alllah Almighty thats what I do now. Besides my mother also supports me all even my parents were break up but their also pray for me too and their motivation keeping my spirit up amd never down. Be a positive person, cares others, helping others that's what i like in this world.

Review Black Korean Drama Series

resource from IMDB The previous post, I reviewed the Saimdang: Light's Diary . Now, I will through the one thriller drama tha...